a love-lift for my website
Can I get a hallelujah!?! Hail to the muses - my new site design is here. I hope it's a place where you can rest your eyes and your soul. I hope it feels less like a big box store and more like a hammam. I hope you visit often.
And I am thrilled that this site features the work of women in design.
The magician behind the curtain is Elan at Ninjamatics. I loved her from the get go and was so happy to find someone who knew the platform I wanted to use (Squarespace) and was a Canadian girl from the prairies (like me).
The font in the banner is Alana by Laura Worthington, one of very few women in the world of type design. Elan and I picked it out almost a year ago and it went on to become one of the top typefaces of 2011. Yay, Laura!
My writing teacher, model and inspiration is the wonderwoman of wordsmithing, Kelly Diels.
And also thanks to Sarah J. Bray for her guidance in walking the website labyrinth.
Now that this is ready, I am excited to get on with sharing and connecting and unveiling and doing my part to rediscover the love at the heart of it all.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.